Wednesday, 25 December 2024




It’s pretty good sense, economically,

picking fleas off others with fleas.

Millennia since we fell off trees,

well, that’s if you believe in it,

some do, most turn over in bed, grunt,

find a spot that needs scratching,

can’t reach; more eggs hatching,

before you know it, you're overrun

which has its benefits of course:

you keep busy picking other's sores.

After all, show me someone

without some sort of skin disease

and they’re marketed as pesticide

and sent somewhere overseas.

No need to create, to build,

dig anything out of the ground,

to pick anything – unless it’s fleas.

It's been run down years now, please,

the train is pulling out the station,

so, if you show me your infestation,

I’ll whip out my phone, show you mine,

and together we could heal the nation.

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