Thursday, 29 September 2022

It's True R Paths Will 1 Day X

It's True R Paths Will 1 Day X 

It's true our paths will one day cross 

but not this time, this time was lost 

and I'm thinking just too late, or the late great

or fate she lately goes just so. 

Milk's souring clots of human kindness

turning love to hate and it's not too thin a line.

Sure, I'll shred that tea stained photo:

with one blood letting, one satisfying rip 

into two and there's the scab torn, 

just look at it water, no need for plaster, 

strike up the band aid, see them skip,

shouldering my box with ungentlemanly grip,

all intent, because the time is spent,

your vacant eyes with dry tears will drip,

tripping the heavy fantastic, all wobbling lip, 

as spades slicing soil bite undug graves,

well made up, putting on a face that's brave,

as towards black holes we all make pace,

more and more of us now pitched in at speed;

and I'm asking from shadows if you notice.

I feel your mind fill mine most nights 

and know who you are and who you're being,

trust in my heart while never seeing 

and just how many more years left, do you think? 

Your alcoholic leaves us, puts off

giving up just one more drink, well, so.

It's true our paths will one day cross; 

but I'm careless - I give up this love for lost. 

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