They say unboxing, these days, don’t they?
Probably from the same tossers’ brains
who came up with shite names
for other things - like ramping up, doubling down,
crap that only the influencers and the lame
would bother themselves repeating,
like a foul unwanted belch, after eating
a plateful of rank kippers.
Fuck ‘em all, I say, I’ll coin the word uncarton.
It came to me, I’m certain,
inside this morning’s shower curtain, you see?
It doesn’t take much effort to slap a prefix
in front of a pack of three. Make myself sound clever
as I’m rub-a-dubbing up some soap into lather;
it’s tough going though, because I’d only just
ripped the soap from its sleeve,
uncartoned it, see? And the pink surface’s hard,
no matter how vigorously I use it:
which made me think,
(like the way I uncartoned you, dear),
that tomorrow, after laying dormant in the wet sink;
it’ll be warmed over, soft, pliable, wet:
takes time but I’ll make a lover of it yet.
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