Friday, 8 September 2023

Footsteps in the Dust


Footsteps in the Dust


And so as we must inevitably fall to rust,

pacify and soothe all that once was lust,

minds turn on TV, turn off books,

turn to leaving footprints in the dust.


For everything there was a season,

what we once dropped becomes strong reason,

white wooly haired flocks are legion,

our shepherd guides mobs to far regions.


We scythe through ripe wheat in waves,

gather green shoots from horizons’ graves,

exit theatres after act three of five act plays,

to fall from the edge of all the world’s stage.


Whose footsteps trample in clumsy horde

those places to keep us from our Lord

saved and put by all these twilight times,

think nothing of motive and less of rhymes.


Yet a watching wraith who cannot find

peace save for in his lover’s dancing mind,

knows all we leave behind becomes us,

just shallow footprints in shadow dust.

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