Thursday, 27 July 2023

Cleaning Out

 Cleaning Out


So, this year I thought I’d clean her car;

no mean undertaking, believe me,

scrubbing hard at that matted shag pile

flicking those ancient rocks in your eye

because you’re squatting far too near the pan.

Oh, it’s down by the seaside sifting sand,

includes grease is the word, banana splits,

and 12 other of your greatest grits.

Legs sticking straight out the driver’s side,

it shifts gearstick in your racing mind,

soon becomes a matter of fixed pride.

You started with obstinate resentment,

end by thinking some unique present

this will be. Clobber in every orifice,

glove compartments packed with trash,

give her space; she’ll fill it, still wants more,

split seams and look at the bulging garage door.

Not as if it’s one of those grand ones, anyway,

59, just a spit before that big six-oh,

probably only chalked up by grim greeters,

card makers and profit seekers,

where every day’s some cause for celebration,

the unguent of this vacant nation.

And look, if you barely walk and monosyllables

pass for talk, this is more than just a great deal,

she can always bitch about how it made her feel.

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