Saturday, 30 April 2022

And May All Your Angels Rise Up with You

And May All Your Angels Rise Up with You



Turn Love’s back issues to write old from new:

I’ll split open my heart; use blood for ink:

And may all your Angels rise up with you.


Smudged newsprint blackens eye’s hardest hue,

fills carved rock fonts enough to overbrink,

pulp Love’s back issues to write old from new.


My stone gaze, cross bannered, black and blue

in captioned expose, perhaps thinks:

And may all your Angels rise up with you.


And do you, sweet wretch, seek forgiveness too?

With all time’s sorrow that’s fit to print,

scan Love’s back issues to read old from new.


Archived features with odium grew

up tall tales of words that deceive and slink:

So, may all your Angels rise up with you.


Block typeset heads, in bold, claims love rescued

in attempt made to light upon missing links.

Burn Love’s back issues to write old from new,

and may all your Angels rise up with you.

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