Day After Day
Did any radicals even seize
Potting a pink Friday
morning hole
instead, we seen it mostly
all before:
trucks dumping journalists
on floors
of similar looking
different places,
shoving windsock cameras in
begging them to cry rainbows
on cue,
bleating hyperbole to
adoring crew
like anchors, then it’s
back to studio,
as empty words spill into
sky of blue,
pale the moon pulls oceans
to and fro;
and without love, whatever
will we do?
Did any rivers even flood
the plains?
Glance up from some
tropical clime,
and we might miss love’s
island kiss,
her jerked off face
contorted in bliss,
all voyeur’s welcome in
tissue paradise,
while the banks bust for
half the price
and little change in the
current climate.
He’s waving his banana
like a primate,
she beats his bare bottom
with a shoe,
my empty words spill into
sky of blue,
pale the moon pulls oceans
to and fro;
and without love, whatever
will we do?
Did any virus even
decimate the land?
Heave burnt eyes from
phone in hand,
sufficient candy has now
been crushed
to feed our dying
darlings. Sit hushed
all masked conspirators,
fiddle thumbs,
ignore those conspirators looking
snap your scanty pictures
of nude bush
burning, airbrushing your
spotty thrush
for money, fame leaves us
looking blue,
empty skies drop words of
nothing new,
pale the moon pulls oceans
to and fro;
and without love, whatever
will we do?
And did we ever fall in
love so badly?
Pushing eternal memories
away sadly,
pain plagues our every
dour taken step,
worse while we’re not old
enough yet
to shrug, shake it off and
simply forget,
while our world in death
throes sweats.
And even as you slip on a
wedding ring
falling forward, you must model
a grin
while thinking mostly of
me, it’s true,
as empty words spill from
sky of blue,
pale the moon pulls oceans
to and fro;
and without love, whatever
will we do?
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