Sunday, 20 December 2020

Oh, You’ll Wait a Long Time for Me


Oh, You’ll Wait a Long Time for Me



Lover, I can feel your desire in dreams,

your tone murmurs words of seduction,

silky needs, just this side of creamed lust,

in black stocking top peephole phrases,

lips shushed with your finger raised.


It’s been so, so long, four or maybe five

years since you last held us dying

in shooken arms, spent joy, wept tears,

spun us amongst naked wheat sheaves

with grass in teeth and hair in leaves

over, over again, those harbouring rushes

love’s root did kindly conceal in bushes.


But big boys don’t cry, they roll eyes

too often, strike out with feelings disguised.

No more. Rage so terrible all nature churns,

jealousies shudder strong, passions spurned,

now all must be set right what is wrong,

for always the Queen and land is one.


Blushed modest messages each week,

flushed in a small feat of baby steps,

honey, grapple with time’s stern rocks

in sometime smiles, sometime shocks

tearing tears down, strip by stripping

until bare minds and bodies gripping

tight together complete us once again.

Then for two hard days, never speak,

one step forward, two back, press reset,

for, true, you’ll wait a long time for me.

How strong must bridges be and how long?

To span our abyss takes certain risks,

farsides keep moving or may not exist

at all. But in dreams, I hear your call,

prayers groan, my heart’s in thrall

and although wasting years may crawl,

once more see our loving all, 

for you, I am prepared to fail and fall.


I become your Angel now transformed,

flit on edge of reasons in hope new born,

better things will come, 

spring will one day bloom,

shower love’s pure apple petals, 

swoon us with shy smiles, 

lay foundations of trust 

and, yes, quaint butterflies of lust 

play slowly, tease us within: 

as gentle winds deep love’s current,

pushing at dam, building forever for you, 

to explode in gushing torrent.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a sexy beast of a love poem. If you're ever in long distance relationship you can gift this to your significant other.
