Saturday, 10 November 2018

In Dreams

In Dreams

Now that you live only in my dreams,
we hold hands and often meet there.
 Two again as once we were.
After you had murdered me
and I, in turn, killed you too
without us ever really meaning to,
for life got in the way,
and what’s a soul to do?
And, God knows, we never meant it, did we?
It was the last thing on my mind;
you have your reputation for being kind.
And me? Well now, love forever shines.
Oh, how citrus-bitter, how tart; 
we died too soon,
and lemons will stay sharp
no matter how much we sugar coat them;
 our eyes will sting. They will smart;
see murky shapes instead of hearts.
Too short, too brief an affair;
dodging bullets when we should have dared:
threw it over for fickle flirtations,
made excuses, found explanations,
rocked and wrecked our very foundations.
Still, now.
In dreams I keep you here with me, warm
while you shield me safe from harm,
hold us in our abstract arms
sheltered by silent spells and charms.
In dreams I wind us in and bring us back;
guard you close against attack,
touch you with those smiles we now do lack.
Fingers through my whispered hair,
laugh with love and careless share
with us our lost scented secret pleasure.
In dreams our minds still can meet,
revive first shy greetings, coy in desire:
wary still to relight the fire
that with us better knew the other you
close entwined as one in two.
Quiet. Hush. Don’t weep
when dreams brush night and softly greet.
For it is there we live and there we cry,
in dreams we burn, in dreams we die.
Between us make no mortal sound:
lost forever, yet forever found.

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