Tuesday 23 October 2018

Departure Gate

Departure Gates

Remember that when you return
you use departure gates.
 Contemplating ancient concerns;
all those never too lates.
Clockwise anti-backwards
 turn the astral night skies.
Counter whirl minutes westwards;
riffling stacked memories.

Remember that when you return
tunnelled, through tubes and pipes
fast forwarding backwards to the past,
you bear the baggage and the gripes.
Where here, burdened in this place,
sensing only yourself as real,
those who touch in frown your face
must flee your ghost in haste.

Remember that when you leave,
through arrivals you are born.
With travelled, returning hopeful face
well-lined and rip knee’d torn.
Decisions that were patches sewn
with expediencies’ threads,
have rendered you as lost recall;
 you can never now come home.

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