Thursday, 25 February 2016

In Brief

In Brief

“Only two very short messages from me for the duration of this week, everyone.

“Now, likewise, pupils who want to leave your lesson part way through, to go to the toilet. Now these pupils have been told that they must not go to the toilet during the middle of your lessons, or the start of your lessons; likewise at the beginning of period 5 commencing after lunch. No. No. They have time during the lunch break and in addition to before lunch, likewise after lunch. Unless these pupils have a ‘permission to go to the toilet during lesson card’ issued from the office.

“From here on, I don’t think the suggestion to call it a ‘wee-wee pass’ is a good one, in addition to complaints we have received from certain parents. I realise there is a groundswell on this one and most parents object to wee-wee and, of equal importance, poo-poo on the pass.

“Opposite to this, for the duration of this week, please could tutors check that nail varnish is not applied inappropriately to school rules about nail varnish or on ear rings. Pupils may wear a stud. It must be a plain stud, likewise, skirts should be at maximum extent and must not, never, under the circumstance, be rolled up above knee length.

“Parents have been told by me that, for the extent of the week, please could all teachers, at the origins of lessons, check ear rings and nail varnish and insist that all misappropriated items be removed by sending all pupils to the toilets at the start of lessons immediately in order to remove the items forthwith and quickly.

“Thank you.”