There was this film, right?
And, I only just remember it.
Except, a thing stuck like boxes.
Dark ones, black hole deep
and sheer metal sides and steep
and polished so hard they gleam,
you can’t dig fingernails in those,
however sharply you’re filed.
I might’ve dreamt it, my age
right? If so, I claim those boxes
for me. He’s stuck inside, worse,
he cannot see if up is down
like when you’ve dived so deep
plunged, you pull strokes to drown:
when what’s forward is reverse
they’ll be calling for my hearse
because the water is thickening,
forms in a dense, inky sphere
of false surface while you hang,
panic, strike out and punch in
until all hope becomes sickening.
Well off topic, so, deep breaths
to catch my thoughts soon and
the hero trapped, battle scarred,
he’s pulling himself up or down,
fighting insurmountable odds,
every inch gained of ground
leaves him panting, all Gods
having long left him for dead.
But he’ll try his strength instead
on those vacuum frozen hinges,
he’s testing every sweaty ounce
of muscle, every fibre stretched,
every prayer he’s left is fetched
from deep within his sceptic soul,
you see it all in his grainy gaze,
he’ll plant trust in anything now.
And in the third act, it gives.
Or at least that’s how I recall it,
this hatch swings wide, wide open
onto space; from his face all trace
of triumph gone, put in his place,
framed by expert lensmanship
as all our faces sag with shock
at just box within box within box.