Crush, Crush, Crush
Crush petals, crush life.
Thumbnail blades that gutter face,
eviscerate and slice.
Mill sugar, grind spice.
Twirling jagged tushed turn,
crumbs drop down for worms.
Pestle air, mash water.
Thrashing corn and blessing chaff,
blistering all before.
Buttered burns, clagging taste.
Flaked smile upon painted face,
splashing hot liquids.
Knead hands, treading grapes.
Sealing juice into stoppered vats,
congealing clotted jelly.
Blot light, wracking dark.
Gutted words from paper slit,
disembowel and part.
Gullet Time, squeeze Space.
Crimson maw must eager gnaw,
compact and embrace.
Kindness come, kill in kind.
No exit will they ever find;
cruel the ribbons bind.
Crush. Crush. Crush.
Crushing arms. Crushing weight.
Crushing lungs to suffocate.
Crush must turn to hate.